User manuals giving more information about the data are often available from the generating agency's www site, which can usually be traced through the Product Navigator broadcast by EUMETCast or here.
PROG = which of David Taylor's programs generated the file. The files can be found wherever you have configured the program to put them.
MDM | MSG Data Manager |
MOPM | METOP Manager |
AVM | AVHRR Manager |
MOPM | ASCAT\ascat_20100812_000001_metopa_19780_eps_o_125.l1_bufr | METOP | ASCAT level 1 winds at 12.5 km swath grid |
MOPM | ASCAT\ascat_20100812_000003_metopa_19780_eps_o_250.l1_bufr | METOP | ASCAT level 1 winds at 25 km swath grid |
MOPM | ASCAT\ascat_20100812_000001_metopa_19780_eps_o_125_ssm.l2_bufr | METOP | ASCAT soil moisture at 12.5 km swath grid |
MOPM | ASCAT\ascat_20100812_000003_metopa_19780_eps_o_250_ssm.l2_bufr | METOP | ASCAT soil moisture at 25 km swath grid |
MDM | ATVOS\amsua_20100810_0308_metopa_19753_sva.l1c_bufr | METOP | AMSUA instrument level 1C |
MDM | ATVOS\amsua_20100810_0303_noaa19_07752_lan.l1c_bufr | NOAA | AMSUA instrument level 1C |
MDM | ATVOS\amsua_20100812_000122_noaa19_07777_eps_o.l1_bufr | NOAA | AMSUA instrument GDS level 1 |
MDM | ATVOS\amsub_20100810_0540_noaa17_42240_ewa.l1c_ubfr | NOAA | AMSUB instrument level 1C |
MOPM | ATVOS\atovs_20100812_000017_metopa_19780_eps_o.l2_bufr | METOP | ATOVS Sounding Products |
MDM | ATVOS\hirs_20100810_0527_metopa_19755_mus.l1c_bufr | METOP | HIRS instrument level 1C |
MDM | ATVOS\hirs_20100810_0454_noaa19_07753_mas.l1c_bufr | NOAA | HIRS instrument level 1C |
MOPM | ATVOS\hirs_20100812_002455_metopa_19780_eps_o.l1_bufr | METOP | HIRS instrument level 1 |
MOPM | ATVOS\hirs_20100812_000057_noaa19_07777_eps_o.l1_bufr | NOAA | HIRS instrument level 1 |
MDM | ATVOS\mhs_20100810_1027_metopa_19758_lan.l1c_bufr | METOP | MHS instrument level 1C |
MDM | ATVOS\mhs_20100810_0950_noaa19_07755_gil.l1c_bufr | NOAA | MHS instrument level 1C |
MOPM | ATVOS\mhs_20100812_000049_metopa_19780_eps_o.l1_bufr | METOP | MHS instrument GDS level 1 |
MOPM | ATOVS-L2\atovs_20100812_000018_noaa19_07777_eps_o.l2_bufr | NOAA | ATOVS Sounding Products |
MDM | MPEF\201008100000-gii.bfr+ | MSG | Global Instability Index |
MDM | MPEF\201008112345-rii.bfr+ | MSG | Regional Instability Index |
MDM | MPEF\201008100145-amv.bfr+ | MSG | Atmospheric motion vectors |
MDM | MPEF\201008100245-csr.bfr+ | MSG | Clear-sky radiances |
MDM | MPEF\201008100245-cla.bfr+ | MSG | Cloud analysis |
MDM | MPEF\201008100245-th.bfr+ | MSG | Tropospheric humidity |
MDM | MPEF\201008100245-toz.bfr+ | MSG | Total ozone |
MOPM | Polar winds\avhrr_20100812_080103_metopa_19785_eps_o_amv.l2_bufr | METOP | AVHRR instrument Polar winds |
MDM | SAF\S-O3M_GOME_NOP_02_M02_20100810223259Z_20100810223559Z_N_O_20100811002854Z.bufr | METOP | Near Real Time Ozone Profile |
MDM | SAF\S-O3M_GOME_O3-NO2_L2_20100810053859_003_METOPA_19755_DLR_02.BUFR | METOP | Near Real Time Total Column (O3, NO2, tropospheric NO2) |
MDM | SCAT\ascat_20100810_000601_metopa_19752_eps_o_125_ovw.l2_bufr | METOP | ASCAT level 2 winds at 12.5 km swath grid |
MDM | SCAT\ascat_20100810_000601_metopa_19752_eps_o_250_ovw.l2_bufr | METOP | ASCAT level 2 winds at 25 km swath grid |
MDM | SCAT\scatt_20100810_001057_ers2___00000_ear_o_250_ovw.l2_bufr | ERS-2 | SCATT level 2 |
MDM | Winds\satwnd.bufrcdft.AQUA.D2010222.T0132Z.MCMR.bufr | AQUA | IR cloud-drift polar winds |
MDM | Winds\satwnd.bufrcdft.TERRA.D2010222.T0057Z.MCMR.bufr | TERRA | IR cloud-drift polar winds |
MDM | Winds\satwnd.bufrwvap.AQUA.D2010222.T0132Z.MCMR.bufr | AQUA | Water vapour polar winds |
MDM | Winds\satwnd.bufrwvap.TERRA.D2010222.T0057Z.MCMR.bufr | TERRA | Water vapour polar winds |